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  6. ATE 24.0326-0123.1
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ATE 24.0326-0123.1 - Тормозной диск

24.0326-0123.1 ATE Тормозной диск

24.0326-0123.1 ATE Тормозной диск



Код товара: A.1168674

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Превью - 24.0326-0123.1 ATE Тормозной диск (фото 1) Превью - 24.0326-0123.1 ATE Тормозной диск (фото 2)
24.0326-0123.1 ATE Тормозной диск (фото 1) 24.0326-0123.1 ATE Тормозной диск (фото 2)
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300,0 мм
Внутренний диаметр
139,6 мм
47,0 мм
300 мм
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13,5 мм
Диаметр фаски
108,0 мм
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Power Disc

Sure Thing, ATE! The PowerDisc shows what it can do. Looks better - wears less The brake disc with a profile pays off: The cleaning effect of the continuous groove ensures more even wear of the brake disc and a marked reduction in the scoring that can occur on both brake disc and brake pads. Score-free wear even in heavy-duty use extends the life of the brake discs - and also offers better looks, particularly for wheel rims of today's modern and open style. The multipurpose groove permits visual detection of wear at a glance, without awkward, time-consuming and expensive removal or special measuring tools. If the entire groove has been worn away, the brake disc has reached its thickness limit and must be replaced. The high temperatures generated during braking result in gases between the brake disc and brake pad. These gases c onsiderably impair the braking effect (fading). The PowerDisc channels off the gases via the multifunctional groove and in so doing ensures dependable braking. This brake disc has been thought out down to the last detail : Conventional brake discs have to be cleaned before assembly in an often very expensive and time consuming process using environmentally harmful agents. Poor cleaning often causes permanent impairment of the friction between the brake pads and the brake disc. The new corrosion protection on the ATE PowerDisc, however, no longer has to be removed before assembly and so remains on the brake disc. Protected and sealed in this way, the ATE PowerDisc is less prone to rust, shortens the installation time, and helps protect the enviro nment. Many benefits - thanks to corrosion protection The ATE PowerDisc is certified for general use in Germany (ABE) - i.e. no entry in the vehicle documents is needed. That saves you time and money. Braking like the professionals The complete range Greater safety and longer life make the ATE PowerDisc a disc that could well be a big success, which you can have installed by your garage right away. And if you have any other questions to do with brakes and the ATE product range, your friendly brake expert there will only be too glad to help you. Our ATE PowerDisc has already been proven in many long-distance racing events and touring car championships. And with its outstanding braking characteristics on both dry and wet surfaces, it's the ideal choice for the New Beetle and Lupo Cups, and in the Formula König and Formula 3. Everything's in favour of the ATE PowerDisc: Water and dirt can considerably reduce the effectiveness of the brake pads. Our answer is: the innovative ATE PowerDisc, the only brake disc with a continuous multipurpose groove, which channels off water, dirt and the gases generated between the brake disc and the brake pads by high temperatures during braking, rather like the tread of a tyre does. This considerably increases your safety, reduces scoring, and extends the life of the brake disc. And besides braking so well, it looks better for a longer pe riod. The ATE PowerDisc with multipurpose groove has clear advantages: - general certification (ABE) - better response in wet conditions - shorter running-in period for the newly fitted pad and dis c - better appearance - wear detection - improved corrosion protection
For vehicles without ABS, a PowerDisc can be used on the rea r axle only if there is one on the front axle. The General Operating Permit (ABE) for the PowerDisc applies to operation on German roads in accordance with the German Road Traffic Registration Ordinance (StVZO). Other countries may require additional type approvals for use on roads.


Вся информация (телефоны, технические характеристики, комплектация, страна производства и т.д.) о продукте предоставлена на сайте для ознакомления и не является публичной офертой. Производители могут изменять любую информацию о продукте без предварительного уведомления продавца и потребителя.
Внешний диаметр
300,0 мм
Внутренний диаметр
139,6 мм
47,0 мм
300 мм
Диаметр отверстия
13,5 мм
Диаметр фаски
108,0 мм
Код MAPP в наличии
Кол-во отв.
Мин. толщина
22,8 мм
С покрытием
Тип тормозного диска
Толщина тормозного диска
26,0 мм
Центрирующий диаметр
61,0 мм




Название: CONTINENTAL TEVES (ATE), Continental Aftermarket GmbH

ATE - знаменитая марка известного немецкого предприятия Continental Teves. Специализируется на выпуске высококачественных автокомплектующих для тормозных систем.

Вся продукция, выпускаемая под этой маркой, отличается высоким качеством и получает только положительные отзывы потребителей.

Страна-производитель: Германия

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